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You are what you eat, and the same applies to your dog. Since you are already spending a great deal of love, effort and money on your new family member, you should follow through by providing the best possible food money can buy.

We feed our dogs raw ground meat & veggies. Various good books are available on the subject. Alternately you can provide your dog with one of the better commercial pet foods on the market today. One of them is Pets-First. We have fed this product for 7 years prior to switching to Raw food with great success. We will include a product information pamphlet. We do not recommend a puppy food for your Berner puppy. Berners already grow very fast, we should not stimulate this with high protein levels.

The raw diet we feed includes chicken bone in, turkey bone in, beef tripe (green) as well as ground beef, beef and turkey or chicken organ meat such as liver, kidney, heart, lamb, and fish as well as a pulverized vegetable and fruit mixture.

We also feed whole eggs, yogurt and goat milk. In addition we use the following nutraceuticals: Atlantic kelp, vitamin C, fish body oils, primrose oil, glucosamine hydrochloride. We feel that fish oil, vit C and glucosamine are of especially great help to your dog.

Do not feed your dog directly after heavy exercise and do not allow your dog to play rough or run for at least 45 minute to an hour after a full meal. Berners are deep chested dogs and the possibility of stomach torsion is real.

We recommend not feeding any pigs ears or rawhide. Fresh, clean water must be available to your dog at all times, with the exception of late evening and night time. The best food and water dishes are the stainless steel or ceramic ones. Avoid plastic as it will over time deteriorate and release particles with the food and water.


Fresh, clean water must be available to your dog at all times, with the exception of late evening and night time. It is helpful when first house training your pup, to remove water after around 9.30 pm, this will prevent that the pup goes to bed with a full bladder.

The best food and water dishes are the stainless steel or ceramic ones. Avoid plastic as it will over time deteriorate and release particles with the food and water.

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